A neuroscientist on a quest.
Always seeking the next challenge, the next frontier, I am currently on a world trip not only to test my own limits but also to learn how to live past socially imposed normality.
As an open-minded, unconventional lateral thinker with multiple advanced degrees from top German universities and extreme hobbies such as advanced yoga, capoeira and jiu-jitsu, I am always up for discovering new ways to enhance personal life. By analyzing the influence of biology and psychology on everyday choices and decisions and correlating it with the relationship between evolution and social normality, my current quest entails understanding world cultures and becoming a global citizen while at the same time living a healthy, fulfilled and adventurous life. Solving life’s problems through creative thinking strategies was the first step in my personal adventure and I want to share my experiences with you…
“Always question your reality”
– RearrangedReality.com
Did you know that Anna,
- Has visited 25 countries and counting?
- She reads quantum physics as a hobby?
- From skydiving in the Ukraine, to hiking in the Himalayas, to diving off the coast of Florida, she recently learned how to paraglide in Germany?
If you need a magic ass kick, then you have come to the right place. Read the blog, browse the resources, feel free to ask questions.
Learn, live, be free.